Get to know your tour leader: Zema Lopes Cavalcanti

Happy tour leader in Switzerland and Costa Rica

Profile image of tour leader in South AmericaIf you have ever joined an Expat Explore tour, you’ll know that our tour leaders go above and beyond to make your travel experience unforgettable! And if you haven’t joined an Expat Explore tour yet, what are you waiting for?! In this blog series, we get to know more about our tour leaders including their bucket lists, favourite destinations, and even a few surprising facts! 

The third tour leader we are featuring is Zema Lopes Cavalvcanti – an avid, Brazilian travel-lover who leads our South American tours! Read on to learn more about Zema and all the reasons a South American tour deserves a spot on your bucket list! 

Quick Facts:
  • Name: Zema Lopes Cavalcanti
  • Age: 43
  • Nationality: Brazilian
  • Where do you live now? Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • How many countries have you been to? 49
  • How long have you been a tour leader? 18 years (4 with Expat Explore)
What did you do before becoming a tour leader?

Wow, a long long long long time ago, I used to work as a local tour guide, also in hostels and hotels. During my free time, I used to work in events (concerts, shows, fairs etc.) which I still do every time I have a chance.

Happy tour leader in Switzerland and Costa Rica
From Switzerland to Costa Rica, Zema is all about travel!
What made you decide to become a tour leader?

Well, I always loved to work with people and to showcase my city, my country and my culture. And to have a chance to do that while travelling? I thought, why not!

What is your favourite thing about leading tours around South America?

Besides being in a place that speaks for itself, I love to see the tourists’ faces when I tell them the history and the facts and to open their minds to a new side of the world.

Related: Take a look at these epic tours to South America!

View of Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro
Tick destinations like Rio de Janeiro off your bucket list!
Why should people visit South America?

There are many reasons why people should visit South America, here are a few:

  • Diversity of culture: We are home to a wide variety of cultures, languages and traditions.
  • Stunning natural beauty: From beaches and deserts to forests and mountains. No doubt we have some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world!
  • Amazing food: Our cuisine is rich and diverse, not to mention the quality and variety of fruits you’ll find across South America!
  • Music and parties: No need for an explanation as everybody knows we like to dance and party!

Overall, it is fascinating. Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature or adventure, there will be something for you here in South America! 

Did you know? You can enjoy a variety of incredible day trips and excursions on our South America tours

Favourite destination?

I have two that I can not decide between! Uruguay and Greece.

Travellers at Machu Picchu and Rio de Janeiro at sunset
Visit Machu Picchu, Rio and more on tours to South America.
What city do you think everyone should visit?

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil!

The destination that surprised you the most?

Costa Rica. I didn’t expect it to be such a wonderful, beautiful and safe place to be.

Tour group in COsta Rica cloud forest with a sloth
Discover Costa Rica and its incredible wildlife and scenery with Expat Explore!
Dream destination you’d still like to visit?

Japan, I want it to be my 50th country!

Related: You can visit Japan on our Highlights of Japan tour! 

What are the top three items on your bucket list?
  1. Visit Japan
  2. Learn Mandarin
  3. Be part of a proper “Royal Garden Party”
Happy tour leaders on tour in Europe
Zema with fellow Expat Explore Tour Leaders Jemma and Luke.
If you could lead a tour anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

To the past. If I could, I would love to lead a tour of the world’s past history with a tour group while experiencing history as it happened. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

Films and Series, I LOVE THEM, all of it. Also, I love to play beach volleyball.

What would your travellers be the most surprised to learn about you?

That I have a weekly radio show in Rio, where I give tips about places to visit in the world. Every Friday at 1pm. And that I left home at 14 to play volleyball with a scholarship.

Did you know? You can tune in to Zema’s radio show – it’s hosted in Portuguese!

What is the best fun fact you like to share with people on tour?
  • That São Paulo has more helicopters than any city in the world. People always think the answer is New York. 
  • Panama Hats are actually made in Colombia.
Travellers at the Panama Canal and in Europe
See incredible historic sights on tour with Zema!
What is your favourite meal from around the world?

Quebab (kebab).

Why do you think people should travel?

When I was a teenager, I read a book called The Alchemist.

Basically, it tells the story of a young man travelling around the world, looking for a treasure that he found in the same place he left but he was only able to find it because he went through that amazing journey; changing the way he sees things and people.

Travelling broadens your horizons, gains experiences, builds connections and makes you a better person.

Related: On the hunt for more literary wanderlust? Check out these incredible books and movies that will inspire you to travel

Best advice you’ve ever received?

“They can take everything from you…but not the experiences you live, so go and live!”

– My mom when I left home

Happy tour leaders in the Netherlands with windmills
Zema and Tour Leader Luke in the Netherlands.

Related: Get to know our other tour leaders Luke and Branden

Join an Expat Explore tour to South America and you’ll get to know even more about the Zema’s vibrant character while experiencing the best of destinations like Brazil, Argentina and more! Meet even more of our tour leaders in person on your next dream journey – start planning your next adventure, today!

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